Saturday, June 11, 2011

7 wonders of the last month!

1. This last month has been insanely busy.
2. School is now out for the summer, Kevin and I are loving spending time with Kinsley all day long.
3. Kevin will be teaching summer school starting Monday till the 1st of July
4. We are going to Michigan from July 3rd till July 24th.
5. We are excited to be back home and looking forward to spending time with family and friends.
6. Kinsley has been eating rice cereal for almost a month now, she absolutely loves it! If I don't feed her fast enough, she yells at me to go faster.

7. Kinsley is know rolling over from her back to her tummy. She can't get enough of it ( unless I have the camera and she wants nothing to do with it)
8. We took Kinsley to the pool for the first time, we have been at least every day since it opened. She loves to kick around in the pool. All her swimming tires her out.

9. She also had her first trip to the zoo, she loved seeing all of the animals.

10. Kinsley is now taking naps at home in her crib. This was a long process for both mommy and baby. She would nap all the time at Ms. Laura's, but never for mommy and daddy. She cried for about 30 minutes for the first time, now she goes straight down with out fussing.
11. Kinsley has discovered her thumb. Dr. Carter says it's ok for babies to suck their thumb at an early age, so we just let her.

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