Sunday, April 3, 2011

7 Wonders of the week.

1. Kinsley rolled over at Miss Laura's house while mommy was at work :( I cried We tried at home, but she does not perform on demand!

2. The shades are finally hung in Kinsley's room, they look super cute! Now if Hobby Lobby was only open on Sunday I could go buy some frames.
3. We had the BEST April fools joke EVER. I told my parents we were pregnant again and baby would be born in December. I had both my parents believing me along with my sister Shelly! I def. do not want to be eating my words!
4. 8 more weeks left in the school year, then it's summer vaca!
5. I am really missing going on dates with my husband. When we moved to Cypress we didn't think being away from family would be this hard. It got a lot harder once Kinsley came.
6. Kinsley is now one step closer to being in her crib. She is now taking "naps" in her crib. I think she knows she is sleeping in a different place b/c as soon as she hits the mattress her little eyes open.
7. Kinsley now holds really long conversations with mommy and daddy! God has blesses us with a fantastic baby girl!

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