Sunday, March 27, 2011

7 Wonders of the week.

1. My first week back to work was good. My students missed me and their parents did as well. It only took me 20 minutes to say goodbye. Every day it takes a little less time. I am down to 15 minutes, I am making progress!
2. Kinsley had a great first week at her sitters, she had great report cards every day! This was her sleeping before we went to school and work for the day.

3. Kevin is loving driving his new truck, it looks so huge in our driveway.
4. Spring has sprung and the flowers and trees are so beautiful right now.
5. Kinsley keeps trying to eat her toes. You can see her looking at them and wanting to bend down and play with them. It is one of the cutest things ever!
6. We went to Cyfest yesterday, it was very fun. We walked around looking at different booths. There was a rescue dog booth there, Kev wanted to take a medium sized dog home. We did not get a dog- not a good idea with a newborn, a cat and no one home all day long. I did find a booth that had cute bows and letters for Kinsley, I will be ordering a ton of them.
7. Kinsley has now started taking her baths in the big girl tub instead of in the sink. I moved all her bath things upstairs to her bathroom. She loved being in the big tub. We are also talking about making the big switch from bassinet to crib. I am not ready for it yet, too many big changes going on right now to move her out of our room.
She has her bathrobe on so she wont get cold!
Loving her big girl tub and her big yellow duck.

Home from her first day, all tired out.

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