Sunday, March 13, 2011

7 Wonders of the week.

1. We decided instead of going somewhere for spring break the responsible homeowner thing to do would be to start working on our back yard. Now the big question is to sod or not to sod?
2. We made several big purchases at Home Depot and Lowes, one being a lawn mower. This means we can finally mow our front lawn.
3. We went to our first Livestock show at the rodeo as a family, aunt Emma also came with us! We saw tons of cows, horses, pigs, baby animals and rodeo wear. NOTE TO SELF- Never wear flip flops to a live stock show! Def. a rookie move!
4. The house next door to us sold to a family who will have a little girl in June. I am happy Kinsley will have someone to play with next door.
5. Kinsley turns 2 months old on Friday, where has the last 2 months gone? My baby is growing so fast :(
6. We are working on completing Kinsley's room over spring break. The colors and theme have now switched. I am not sure when she will make the big move from the bassinet to her big girl crib. I don't think she is ready yet. ( more like mommy is not ready yet)
7. This is my last week of maternity leave. I am ready to return to work, but not ready to leave Kins all day with the sitter. 
Kinsley has discovered her hands. She keeps putting her little fists in her mouth, I think we have a thumb sucker on our hands.

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