Sunday, March 20, 2011

7 Wonders of the week.

1. This past week Kinsley turned 2 months old
2. Kinsley had a fantastic doctors visit. she now weighs 11.6 lbs. She is in the 67% for her weight. Dr. Carter said she was such a good baby during her doctors visit, she even let the intern look in her ears, listen to her heart and her breathing. 
3. Bug had to get her 2 month shots, she had a ton, they combined them into 3 shots, 2 in one leg and 1 in the other and one was in  liquid form for her mouth. Poor baby cried and so did mommy. Good thing daddy was able to go with us!
4. We are now true Texans, Kevin traded in his G6 for a GMC truck. We have now traded in two cars in the last two months. I now drive a Mitsubishi Outlander, it's  a lot safer than the Tucson.
5. Our yard is coming along wonderfully, we have cute lime green Adirondack chairs out front, pruned shrubs and brick work. I will post pictures when it is all completed.
6. I have started running again. I sure did miss the warm weather and the feel of pavement. I thought it was going to be painful because of my C-section, but to my surprise I could not tell the difference.
7. Today is my last day of maternity leave. I am so sad that I have to go back to work tomorrow and leave Kinsley with her sitter. I am already crying just thinking about it. I know tomorrow will be a very hard day.

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